In a nutshell, I'm tired. And not the you're not getting enough sleep kind or the you're working too hard kind. If anything I'm not working hard enough! No, this tired is perpetual. Some days are better than others, but all in all I've realized I'm just a "Sleepy" type. With this realization I came to the conclusion that it's ok to be tried. Young adults get a lot of crap from "certified" adults about being tired. Like we don't work as hard or do as much, therefore our tired to them just sounds like lazy. Millennials are easily one of the hardest working age groups although it's not necessarily documented/paycheck type of work. We are the kings and queens of side hustles and personal projects. We refuse to work jobs we dislike and usually end up forming fruitful work environments for ourselves and our friends. We're bloggers, artists, podcasters, DJs, photographers, fashion designers and the list goes on. We work ...